13 February 2006

Damn Capt Kirk IS sooooo pretty...

I walked in and realized, Kirk might give me a run with the ladies. He's hot. And i can say that with my full Hetero powers intact. But damn, are the lights in his ready room pointed at his eyes?

He came around his desk and told me 'at ease, this is an informal interview. welcome aboard Enterprise, Chief.'

'Glad to be aboard, sir.' -- wishing i was on any other ship in the fleet. Even Wayfarer, which was reported missing 2 weeks ago.

'Glad have someone with your knowledge and experience, Chief.' -- oh SHIT

'Experience, sir?' -- please God, no no no

'I see in your record that you finished in the top 2% of you armed combat class and First in the unarmed portion. Very impressive. We havent had someone with your skills available for quite a while.'

I guess Kirk didnt see the sweat on my head or the fact I was turning 3 different shades of green because he continued along calmly. 'The last security rating we had with your kind of credintials was sadly lost on an away mission last year.' Right, like he can even remember with the numbers of Red Shirts that die everyday on Enterprise.


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