02 January 2006

Dr. McCoy has cold freakin hands...

I got my physical today. Damn, McCoy's hands are cold. Comes from being 115 years old I guess. And how many times did he break his damn knuckles? It felt like a string of bowling balls being shoved up my ass. 'everything looks okay here.' thanks alot Doc, now can you sew my butt back closed. sheesh.

After my anal penetration training... I mean, after Doctor McCoy's thorough exam, I got a tour of Enterprise. Here I lucked out, Petty Officer Helen MacKenzie is soooo hot. I cant wait until we stand watch together. Maybe we can swing by the Botanical Garden and have a picnic.

Anyway, MacKenzie showed me around and introduced me to some of the rest of the crew. A lot of people are on the StarBase, but there were enough that had duty today that I even got a poker game going for later tonight. MacKenzie wants to play too, wish i had thought of strip poker first.

I met the Chief Engineer today, Lt Commander Scott. Nice enough officer, he personnally gave me a tour of Engineering. Well he started to anyway, we had no more gotten to the dilithium chamber when one of his engineers called him over for a 'miracle'. Everyone laughed at the word miracle. I didnt get it. MacKenzie told me I would the first time we went on a mission. (I bet the only miracle I care about is if I survive the first mission.)

I think I am going to eat some lunch and then go see how Chekov is doing with that vest before the poker game tonight. Cmdr Scott is going to play poker with us. Its a shame, I was going to get a little drunk, but I doubt if a Senior Officer will be a good sport about that....sigh.


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